Thursday, May 22, 2014

They Started the Revolution Without Me

THIS is not a Cigar Box Guitar. However, if you found my little blog, it was likely thanks to Google or another search engine. And that means that you are probably doing research on how to build or play a guitar that is based upon a cigar box (or other similar "low tech" resonator box). Welcome! I only recently discovered CBG (as the Cigar Box Guitar is called for short) and I wonder how I've only learned about this revolution so recently. Apparently "the revolution" has been going on for some time, and I've been oblivious to it. I'm a (raw) newbie guitar player. I purchased a 20th Anniversary (2002) Seagull (solid spruce top, maple body) acoustic almost a year and a half ago and have not taken any formal lessons yet. I am drawn to building Cigar Box Guitars for several reasons: 1) I love Do It Yourself (DIY) but I'm not the greatest woodworker in the world. Fortunately, you don't have to be to create perfectly good CBGs. 2) I love the inventiveness and originality that can be put in to CBG designs 3) I appreciate the "upcycling" side of making a CBG 4) I love to learn and you learn about how stringed instruments make the sounds they make and how you can affect that sound by the material and construction choices you make. 5) I especially am drawn to the three-string, which seems a lot less intimidating to learn to play 6) I like the open tuning aspects and that you can build them with frets or fretless. I have a blues guitar-playing coworker that has turned me on to the blues and slide guitar. 7) I like how you can easily make CGBs for acoustic or electric (plugged-in) and that includes resonator style guitars. The purpose of this blog is for me to "pin" images, videos and links and discuss them. Whether anybody else reads it is nearly irrelevant, but I'll be happy to hear your comments and will try to answer any questions that I can.

For starters, if you are not already aware of it, you MUST sign up (free) at Cigar Box Nation which is a HUGE repository of knowledge and inspiration on everything CBG. You'll find everything from forums to specialized discussion Groups, to live chat, to performance videos and much, much more. See you there!

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